

书名:The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz

作者:L. Frank Baum

查过的单词有:lumber cupboard garret stern sheds stock dismally bondage beam dwelt dainty sunbonnet fiddler sheet wee perch husky earnestly uneven mishap dreary untilled groan timidly joint hinges snug perplexity unharnessed…

哭泣:sob(指抽泣、呜咽) weep(指小哭或无声地哭,侧重流泪)

草地、(大)草原:prairie(干旱、半干旱地区的)大草原、牧场 meadow(为牲畜提供使用草,可储备干草的)牧草地,也指野外的地草地 sward(surface layer of ground containing a mat of grass and grass root)

悲伤、难过、沮丧:dismay grieved sorrowful

咆哮:growl(低声咆哮) snarl(呲牙咧嘴地狂吠) roar(大而深沉的声音、吼叫或咆哮)

布满:be studded with be dotted with be carpeted with

动物:beetle swift(雨燕) stork(鹤) crow(乌鸦) kitten(小猫) spider wasp(黄蜂)

身体部位:joint(关节) waist heel chin(下巴) jaw(颌,下巴) lap breast limb(肢、臂) neck




The sun had baked the ploughed land into a gray mass, with little cracks running through it. 很生动,带有一种动感

2. 2.Aunt Em dropped her work and came to the door.

3. 放下工作。而我一般只会用stop doing…

4. and there it remained and was carried miles and miles away as easily as you could carry a feather.

Simile,类似例子:Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get.

5. After the first few whirls around, and one other time when the house tipped badly, she felt as if she were being rocked gently, like a baby in cradle.

Simile, example: You are like the night, with its stillness and constellations.

6. But soon she saw one of his ears sticking up through the hole…耳朵竖起来

7. At first she had wondered if she would be dashed to pieces when the house fell again.


7.She sprang from her bed and with Toto at her heels ran and open the door.从床上起来

8.She reached down and picked up the shoes, and after shaking the dusk out of them handed them to Dorothy.拍打灰尘

9.She took a little basket and filled with it bread from the cupboard, laying a white cloth over the top.用白布盖在上面

10.and Dorothy did not feel nearly so bad as you might think a little girl who had been suddenly whisked away from her own country and set down in the midst of a strange land.被赶走


11.Once in a while, she would pass a house, and the people came out to look at her and bow low as she went by. Every once in a while有时,偶尔

12.If Oz will not give you any brains you will be worse off than you are now.

13.His heads and arms and legs were jointed upon his body ,but he stood perfectly motionless, as if he could not stir at all.

14.But the tinsmith happened to come along, and he made me a new head out of tin.

15.But after a time he became more at ease,…类似例子:The young boy looked ill at ease.

16.I haven’t the faintest idea.我通常用:I have no idea.

17.and the big beast walked to the edge of the gulf and crouched down.蹲下

18.the cowardly Lion stepped upon the raft…踩上


19.but before them was a lovely, sunny country that seemed to beckon them on to the Emerald City. Personification, example: The handsome houses on the street to the college were not fully awake, but they look very friendly.

20.Woodman stood upon the other end to steady upon the raft. Verb,使竹排变得平稳

21. “ And then I should get no brains,”

“And I should get no courage,”

“And I should get no heart,”

“And I should never get back to Kansas,”

Repetition,例,None but brave,

None but brave,

None but brave deserves the fair.

22.the raft was swept away, and the poor scarecrow was left clinging to the pole in the middle of the river.


23.So he sprang into the water, and the Tin Woodman caught fast hold of his tail.

跳进水里 快速捉住他的尾巴

24.Then the lion began to swim with all his might toward the shore.

拼尽全力,我一般只会用do the best to,另外还有spare no effort to

25. but by and by they were drawn out of the current, and then …从困境中抽离出来

26.It was a lovely country, with plenty of flowers and fruit trees and sunshine to cheer them, and had they not felt sorry for poor Scarecrow, they could have been very happy.


27.we shall thank you ever and ever so much.

29. ..the Scarecrow was perched upon his pole.

30.and then the Stork flew into air and soon out of sight. disappear


31.They walked along listening the singing of the brightly colored birds and looked at lovely flowers which now became so thick that the ground was carpeted with them.


Personification,例,He glanced at the dew-covered grass, and it winked back at him.

32.as she breathed in the spicy scent of the bright flowers.浓郁的香味

33.It was, indeed, a great yellow Wildcat, and Woodman thought it must be chasing something, for its mouth was wide open, showing two rows of ugly teeth, while its red eyes glowed like balls of fire.

Simile,例,His eyes came out of his head like a prawn’s.

34.The field mouse, now that it was freed from its enemy, stopped short.从…中释放出来

35.The Mice stuck her head out from underneath a clump of grass …草丛

36. Dorothy nodded gravely and the Queen made a curtsy…屈膝鞠躬

37.Soon they rolled the lion out of the poppy bed to the green fields, where he could breathe the sweet, fresh air again, instead of the poisonous scent of flowers.

38.after thinking it over and taking another peep at the Lion…

http://39.In front of them, and at the end of the road of yellow brick, was a big gate, all studded with emeralds that glittered so in the sun that even the painted eyes of the Scarecrow were dazzled by their brilliancy.

Hyperbole,例,Her brain is the size of a pea.

40.The soldier now blew upon a green whistle…吹哨


41.Beautiful green flowers stood in the windows, and there was a shelf with a row of green books. Personification,例,The light plays,like a naked child, among the green leaves happily knows not that man can lie.

42.he passed the night moving his joints up and down to make sure they kept in good working order.上下活络关节

43.TheLion would have preferred a bed of dried leaves in the forest, and did not like being shut up in a room(被关在房里);but he had too much sense to this worry him, so he sprang upon the bed and rolled himself like a cat and purred himself asleep in a minute. Simile,例,Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

43.Sometimes she would cry bitterly(痛哭) for hours, with Toto sitting at her feet and looking into her face, whining dismally to show how sorry he was for his little mistress. Parallelism,连续用几个动名词


44.It was a big, round room with a high arched roof, and the walls and ceiling were covered with large emeralds set closely together. In the center of the roof was a great light, as bright as the sun, which made the emeralds sparkle in a wonderful manner.

Hyperbole,It was so cold, I saw polar bears wearing jackets.

45.So they set to work in one of the big yellow rooms of the castle and worked for three days and four nights, hammering and twisting and bending and soldering and polishing and ponding at the legs and body and head of the Tin Woodman…Parallelism

46.so they rode through the air quite cheerfully…腾云驾雾

47.I was willing to promise anything if you would only do away the other Witch…把某人干掉

48…and went back to their rooms in high spirits.我通常会用happy或excited

49.So Dorothy took a needle and thread…针线


50.It was smooth, like the surface of a dish, and higher than their heads.

Hyperbole, Simile

51.The Lion curled himself up to sleep and Toto lay beside him.蜷缩着身子

52.There was field upon field of ripening grain, with well-paved roads running between, and pretty rippling brooks with strong bridges across them.

感悟:个人感觉这本书比《小王子》好读,因为情节更加引人入胜。第一天一次就看了40页,由于没分配好时间第二至第五天都是断断续续地看,这几天基本都是每天看10到2 0页,最后一天抽出了整块的时间看完了剩下的148页。对于这种故事情节曲折的书,我更加喜欢连续地读,如果一天读十多页,第二天再读的时候还要翻到前面回顾讲了什么。

另外,谈谈我对这个故事的理解,《绿野仙踪》里的成员都能实现了自己的愿望,是因为他们相互帮助,在旅途过程中各自发挥自己的优点,如在应对女巫派来的狼群时,Tin Woodman叫他的同伴都躲起来,然后他拿起他的斧子把狼都砍死了,在女巫派来乌鸦和蜜蜂时,Scarecrow利用稻草人身份的优势都把它们干掉了。在旅途过程中,他们在发挥各自优势的同时还在挑战自己的缺点,如当女巫派来了一群Winkies,懦弱的狮子鼓起了勇气把他们吓跑了,再如走到深渊前,看似没办法跨过,然而,懦弱的狮子尽自己的最大的努力背着他的伙伴跳过了深渊,所以,在旅途的过程中,他已经挑战了自己,并慢慢获得了勇气,而他缺少的只是对自己拥有勇气的自信,因此,最后Oz 给他喝了勇气水只是增强了他的自信;Scarecrow在旅途过程中,不断出谋献策,这页锻炼了他的思考能力,所以,是他自己给了自己“brain”,同样地,Tin Woodman在这个过程中也是变得更加易于感动、更有爱心,是他自己为自己“争取”了 “heart”。由此而知,能够拯救自己的只有自己,而不是Oz, Dorothy能够回家也是靠自己脚上的鞋子,而good witch还有他的伙伴只是对她能够回家起到帮助作用。

作者是通过过Dorothy回家这一线索将整个情节曲折的故事串联起来的,这样使得文章结构完整严谨,读者读起来更加易懂。作者在描述中大量运用拟人、比喻的修辞。作者对不同角色的特点表现得很明显。但是,我疑惑的是,当野猫去捕捉老鼠女王的时候,为什么Tin Woodman毫不犹豫地就把野猫砍死了,也许作者的意图是为了表现Tin Woodman具有同情心、爱护幼者的品质以及为后文鼠群救了他们的伙伴——狮子作铺垫,但是我觉得有点矛盾,因为既然是表现Tin Woodman具有同情心,为什么还要毫不犹豫地把野猫砍死,难道把野猫砍死,野猫就不可怜吗?野猫也就是为了捕食。也许作者可以用别的写法,比如Tin Woodman把野猫吓跑等等……

实录:1.When the Scarecrow found himself among his friends again, ha was so happy that he hugged them all, even the Lion and Toto; and as they walked along he sang “Tol-deri-de-oh!” at every step, he felt so gay.


2.They seem so helpless and frail. But there are none in the forest so bright as these.


3.I have always thought myself very big and terrible; yet such little things as flowers came near to killing me, and such small animals as mice have saved my life.


4.At the same time her own tears fell thick and fast at the joy of meeting her old friends again, and these tears did not need to wipe away.


5.There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. True courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have plenty.


6.–I think you are wrong to want a heart. It makes most people unhappy. I f you only knew it, you are luck not to have a heart.

__For my part, I will bear all the unhappiness without a murmur, if you will give me the heart.


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